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Hiding and showing premium content Ifyouwouldprefernottoviewthepremiumcontent andfeaturesavailableinStudio,opentheProject preferences options panel and uncheck either or both of ShowpremiumcontentandShowpremiumfeatures.

See page Chapter 1: Using Studio15 Importing content from past Studio versions IfyouareanownerofapastversionofStudio,the chancesarethatyoualreadyowncontentitems, whetheronaBonusContentorPremiumPack disc,oronaharddriveattachedtoyoursystem.

The StudioTransferContentwizardwalksyouthrough theprocessoflocatingallsuchmaterialsthatare availabletoyou,andimportingthemforuseinthe currentversionofthesoftware. Thephotosand graphics, video snippets and sound files you include in aparticularmoviemaycomefromscatteredlocations onyoursystem. Toavoidwastingdiskspace,Studio doesnotmakeseparatecopiesofthefilesyouuse. If you move or delete a media file needed by the project, however,itwontbeavailableforpreviewingor 16Pinnacle Studio outputtingyourmovie.

Whencleaningupyourhard drive,forexample,youmustbecarefulnotto inadvertentlyremovemediayourStudioprojects require. StudiosArchiveandRestorefeaturesolvesthis problem by allowing you to create a centralized archive containingaprojectandallthemediaitreferences with some exceptions noted below. If the originals of thefilescopiedintothearchiveareremoved,whether byaccidentordesign,theprojectremainssecure.

Simply restore the project from the archive and all will be well. Youcanalsousethisfeatureforbackingupyour projectanditsmediafiles:justcopythearchiveafter creationtoyourbackupmedia.

Ifyouplantorestore theprojectontoanothercomputerwhereyouhave Studio installed, however, be aware that some types of resourcearenotincludedinthearchive. Forinstance, effects,ScoreFittersongs,discmenusandsoon,from contentpacksthateithercamewithyourversionof Studioorwereobtainedseparately,willnotbe archived. Instead, such resources must be duly installed andavailableonbothmachines. Asimilarexception appliestofonts. Ifyoustaywithstandardfonts,or those that are installed with Studio, there should be no problem.

Otherwise,youwillhavetoinstallany missing fonts before the project will render correctly. Withinafew Chapter 1: Using Studio17 seconds, Studio will respond with a dialog box showing theamountofdiskspaceyourarchivewillrequire.

Note: If your project has unsaved changes, you will be askedtosavethembeforecontinuing. Thisisbecause archivingworkswithyourprojectasitisstoredon disk. SincethetotalmediasizeofaStudioprojectmaybe quitelarge,takeamomenttomakesurethatthedrive onwhichyoureplanningtostorethearchivehas amplespaceavailablerelativetotheamountrequired.

Keepinmindthatyoursystempartition usuallywith drive-letter C needs a good amount of free space; if it becomestoofull,yoursystemwillgraduallyslow down,andmayeventuallybecomeunstable.

Non-system drives and partitions can be pushed much closer to their full capacity if required. Remember,too,thatsomemediahavefilesize limitationsthatmayrestrictthesizeofvideofileyour archive can include. Theestimatedtimingonthedialogiscalibratedfora USBflashdriveasthedestinationforthearchiving operation. Once archiving is under way, the estimate is dynamicallyadjustedtoreflecttheactualwritespeed observed. Bydefaultthearchivewillbecreatedinthe samefolderastheprojectitself,inafolderhavingthe samenameastheprojectwiththewordArchive appended.

During archiving, a progress dialog showing the estimated time until completion. If you click the Cancel button on this dialog,Studiohaltsandrewindsthearchiveoperation withoutfurtherado,leavingyoursystemjustasitwas before.

Afterarchivingtothedefaultlocation,theprojects folder,youwillfindanewitemthere:thearchive folder. For clarity, our example folder contains only one project. Chapter 1: Using Studio19 Insidethearchivefolder,wefindtwonewfiles, includingthearchivefileitself Onefineday Archive.

AMediasubfolderhasalsobeen created; all your scattered media are centralized there. Restoring an archived project Restoringfromthearchiveisinmostwaysamirror image of the archiving process, beginning with the File Restore Project menu, which presents a File Open dialog. Browsetothearchivefolderanddouble-click the archive file we found just above. The final step before restoring the archive is to select a destinationprojectnameandlocation.

Theremarks concerningdrivespaceduringarchivingapplyagain here. Although Studio will not embark on the restore if youdonthavespaceonthetargetdrivetocomplete the process, remember that having barely enough space can also be problematic, especially on the system drive. To avoid system maintenance headaches, be sure ahead of time that your restore media have sufficient capacity.

Foranothertypeofdevice,thetimingmayvary: writingtoaharddrive,forinstance,shouldbe considerablyfaster. However,theestimatewillbe continuouslyupdatedoncetherestoreactuallybegins, becoming rapidly more accurate.

The default project name incorporates the date and time whenthearchivewascreated. Changethenameand destination folder as desired, then click Save. Chapter 1: Using Studio21 Studiocreatesaprojectofthespecifiednamewithall itsmediainasinglesubfolder. Aprogressdialoglet youmonitortherestoreprocess. Aswitharchiving,if you choose to cancel this dialog, Studio puts everything backthewayitwas,thenrevertstoyourpreviously open project.

Be careful, however, if you choose when restoringtooverwriteapreviously-restoredversionof thesameproject. Cancelinginthatcasewillremove boththenewandpreviousversionsoftherestored project. Whenthesearestored externally to your computer on a camcorder tape, say, or a memory stick from your digital camera they must be transferred to local storage before you can use them.

Thistransferprocessiscalledcapturingor importing. A distinction has long been made between capturing from tape and importing from file-based sources,butitislesssignificantnowadayswhenmost audiovisualrecordingsarestoredindigitalform throughouttheirlifetimes. Onlywhenrecordingfrom analogsources suchasVHSorHi8 istherestilla capture process involving conversion to digital form. Wewillmostoftenusethetermsimportand importingtosignifyallmethodsofbringingimages and sound into Studio for use in your productions.

The next step AfterStudiohasfinishedimportingyourmedia,you will be able to access the imported files for use in your productions. See Chapter 3: The Album for details. The Import Wizard consists of a large central area surrounded by a number of smaller panels. Oneofthese,theImport Frompanelatthetopleftof thedisplay,hasapivotalrole. Itprovidesalistofdevice typesthatcanserveasthe sourceofyourimportoperation. Yourchoiceofinput source in turn determines the rest of the Import Wizard display.

Aboveall,thesetofcontrolsofferedinthe centralareaforpreview,browsingandselecting material depends on the chosen import type. Importing can be regarded as a four-step process: 1. Select the import source on the Import From panel. Confirm or adjust the settings on the other panels. Select material to import from the chosen source. Initiate the import operation. Studiothenbeginstransferringtherequestedaudio, videoandpictorialmaterialfromthesourcedeviceto your hard drive, using the locations set in the Import To Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media25 panel.

Oncetheimportoperationiscomplete,the ImportWizardclosesandreturnscontroltoStudio, whereyoucanaccesstheimportedfilesthroughthe Album. See Chapter 3: The Album. Fordiscsources,thecentral area lists the chapters available for importing.

Each importsourceusesthecentralareasomewhat differently. Dependingontheinputsource,thecentralareashares theImportWizardinterfacewithuptofourauxiliary panels with standardized functions.

Thephotos,musicandvideofootageyouwantto importmayresideonavarietyofdevicetypesand technologies. The supported import sources include: Alltypesofauxiliaryfile-basedstoragemedia, includingopticaldrives,memorycardsandUSB sticks see Import from file-based media, page ClickOtherdevicesintheImportFrompanelto start.

Devices are listed by name in the Import From panel by their device names e. DV Device. Select the applicable one. Analogvideocamerasandrecorders seeImport fromanalogsources,page Anyanalogcapture hardwareonyoursystemislistedbyname e. Pinnacle Systems MovieBox. Digitalstillcameras see Importfromdigital cameras, page SomesourcesintheImport Frompanelarechosenfroma sub-listofactualdevicesthat isappearswhenyouclickthe Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media27 mainsourceentry.

The user can now choose between the two DVD drives installed on this particular system. Single-frame import Studio provides two special modes for importing single frames,ratherthancontinuousfootage. Thesemodes are: Stopmotion:Createananimatedfilmbyimporting oneframeatatimefromalivevideosource see Stop motion, page Snapshot:Importindividualimagesfromtapeor fromalivesourcelikeawebcam seeSnapshot, page Adjusting analog audio and video levels Analogcapturehardwaremay provide additional controls for modifyingparameterlevelsof theaudioandvideosignals.

Suchacapabilityisusefulfor correctingexposureproblems andthelikeinthesource material,andwhenyouneed tocompensatefordifferences in video from multiple sources. To access the controls, click the more button beside thesourcename. ThisopenstheAnalogInputLevels window. Althoughyoucanalsoadjusttheselevelswiththe appropriateVideoeffectsinEditmode,settingthem correctlyforcapturecansaveyoufromhavingto worry about color correction later on. TheHue slider fourth from left is not used with PAL sources.

Setting your audio options correctly as you capture will help in achieving consistent volume levels and quality. Particular capture devices may offer fewer options than areshownanddiscussedhere. Forinstance,with hardware that doesnt support stereo captures, an audio balance control will not appear.

Video:Choosethetypeofvideoyouaregoingto digitizebyclickingtheappropriatesourcebutton CompositeorSVideo. Thefiveslidersallowyouto controlthebrightness videogain ,contrast ratioof lightest to darkest , sharpness, hue and color saturation of the incoming video. The saturation slider regulates the color saturation the amount of color in the image. An image with zero saturation has only black, white and gray tones.

Audio: The sliders on the right side of the panel let you controltheinputlevelandstereobalanceofthe incoming audio. Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media29 The Import To panel After importing, your media items will be accessible as filesonyourcomputer.

TheImportTopanelofthe ImportWizardletsyouspecifywherethosefileswill bestored. Separatefoldersareavailableforvideo, audioandpictureitems,buttheImportTopanelonly lists those that are relevant to the current import source, as set in the Import From panel. As the number of media files on your system grows, it becomesincreasinglyusefultogivesomethoughtto howbesttoorganizethematerialintofoldersand subfolders such that in the future you can most readily retrieveanydesireditem.

ThecontrolsontheImport Topanelaredesignedtoautomatethisprocessto whatever degree you choose. Working with import folders Untilyouspecifyotherwise, theImportWizardusesthe standarddocumentfoldersfor video,musicandpictures withinyourWindowsuser account.

Theillustration showsatypicalsetupin Windows Vista. To change an importfolder,clickeitherthe smallfolderbuttonorthe currentfolderpath. See Selecting an import folder below.

Thefoldersyouchooseforeachmediatype,whether defaultorcustom,serveasbaselocationsforyour importedfiles. Inordertomanageyourmedia 30Pinnacle Studio collectioneffectively,youcanalsospecifyeithera customsubfoldernameoramethodofautomatically-generatinganamebasedoneitherthecurrentdateor thecreationdateoftheimportedmaterial.

Clickeither ssetsubfolderorthemorebuttonforthemedia typetoaccessthesubfolderoptions. SeeSettinga subfolder below. Filllevelindicator:Thisbargraphshowsforeach importdestinationhowmuchroomisleftonthe storage device. The first part of the bar represents space zzalreadyoccupiedonthedevice. Thecolored extensionshowshowmuchroomanycurrently-selected media files awaiting import will require. Available storage space display Note:Ifadestinationdevicereaches98percentfull during import, the operation is halted at that point.

Selecting an import folder Tochooseadifferentbase folderforagivenmediatype, clickthecorrespondingfolder buttonorfoldernameonthe Import To panel. This opens a folderselectionboxwhere youcannavigateto,andif necessary create, the folder you want to use.

Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media31 Folders that contain subfolders are indicated with a plus icontotheleftofthefoldericoniftheyarecurrently closed, and a minus icon if they are open.

Clicking the icon reverses the state of the folder. Click the plus icon to view the contents of a folder. Tocreateasubfolderwithinthecurrently-selected folder,clickNewFolderatthebottomofthefile selector, type a name for the folder, then press Enter. Torenameafolder,selectittheneitherclickitonce with the left mouse button, or press the F2 key.

An in-place edit box opens, allowing you to type over the old namewithanewoneofyourchoice. Finally,press Enter to accept or Esc to cancel the name change. Renaming the selected folder. Afterlocatingandselectingthefolderyouwantto serve as the base folder, click the OK button to approve the choice and return to the Import Wizard window.

Setting a subfolder To designate a subfolder of the base folder as the actual importdestinationforthemediatype,clickeitherset subfolder button or the more button. These buttons 32Pinnacle Studio openadialogwindowthatrepresentsanexpanded versionoftheImportTopanel,onethatincludes controlsneededtosetthesubfoldernameornaming method for each media type supported by the currently-selected import source.

Sincefilescanbeofanymediatype, controls for all three typesare provided. Most other sources import only video media, and dont show the Audio and Photo controls. Therowofcontrolsforeachmediatypeincludesa dropdown list of naming options: No subfolder: With this option, the files you import will be stored in the base folder. Custom:Whenyouchoosethisoption,anin-place edit box appears. Enter the nameofthesubfolderin whichtostoreyournextimportorimportsofthe media type. Today:Yourimportswillgotoasubfoldernamed with the current date, in the format Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media33 Creation date: Each imported file will be stored in a subfolder named with the creation date of the media, inthesameformatasabove.

Whenmultiplemedia itemsarebroughtinaspartofasingleimport operation,thismayentailcreatingorupdating multiple subfolders. Currentmonth:ThisisthesameastheToday option but without the day portion, e. Aftermakingyourchoice,clickthebuttonatthe toprightofthedialogwindowtoreturntotheImport Wizard. The Mode panel The Mode panel of the Import Wizard provides a place to adjust the options offered by several import sources.

Presets:ThePresetsgroup offerstwostandard configurationsforvideoand audiocompression,anda customsettingthatletsyoufine-tunecompression parameters in the Compression Options window, which openswhentheuppermorebuttonisclicked.

Thiscouldresult in slower performance on older computers. Scenedetection:Whenthescenedetectionfeatureis enabled,yourfootageisdivideduponimportinto scenesthatcanbedisplayedandmanipulated separately in the Studio Album. This greatly simplifies thetaskoflocatingmaterialofinterestduringediting. ClickthelowermorebuttontoopentheScene Detection Options window. See The Scene Detection Options window on page Stopattapeend:ThisoptiontellsStudiowhetherto automaticallystopcapturingifablankareaoftapeis encountered.

Ablankareaonewithouttimecode stripingindicatesvirgintape. Providedyouhave avoidedleavinganyblankspotsduringshooting by slightlyoverlappingneighboringshots ,thisoption allows for unattended capture.

Import options for analog media Theoptionsforanalogimport aresimilartothosejust discussedfordigitalsources. Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media35 Stopwhennosignalistheanalogequivalentofthe Stopattapeendoptiondescribedabove.

Whenset, Studiowillautomaticallyendcapturewhenthesignal from the source device is interrupted. Import options for file-based media TheModepanelprovidestwo optionsaffectingimporting from file-based media. Deleteoriginal:Whenthis optionisenabled,theoriginal copiesofthefilesyouimportwillbedeletedafter copying.

Thisoptionishandyifyouareusingthe ImportWizardtoconsolidateyourmediaanddont want your hard drive cluttered with redundant copies. Ignoreduplicates:Thisoptionhelpsyoudealwith redundantmediafilesyoualreadyhave,bytellingthe ImportWizardnottoimportextracopiesoffilesthat may be differently-named but are apparently identical. Import options for stop-motion capture Instop-motionanimation,a seriesofindividualframesis capturedfromalivevideo source.

Dependingonyour plans for the stop-motion sequence, you can instruct the Import Wizard to integrate the individual frames into a movie,orsimplyimporteachframeasapicture,or both. Editingthe settings here automatically selects the Custom preset.

The Compression Options window for digital and analog video import. Because some options are contingent on others, not all will be visible simultaneously. Video settings CompressionCodec:Usethisdropdownlisttoselect the codec you want to use.

Framesize:Thislineshowsthedimensionsofthe captured video. Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media37 Audio settings Compression:Thisdropdownshowsthecodecthat will be used to compress the incoming audio data.

Recordaudio:Clearthischeckboxifyouarenot planning to use the captured audio in your production. Whenimportingfromanalogsources,only the the last two options are supported. Asvideo captureproceeds,Studiodetectsnaturalbreaksinthe videoanddividesitupintoscenes. Anewiconis createdintheVideoScenessectionoftheAlbumfor each scene detected.

The four scene detection options are: Automaticbasedonshootingtimeanddate:This option is available only when you are capturing from a DV source. Studio monitors the time stamp data on thetapeduringcapture,andstartsanewscene whenever a discontinuity is found. Automaticbasedonvideocontent:Studiodetects changesinthevideocontent,andcreatesanew scene wherever there is a large change in the images.

This feature might not work well if the lighting is not stable. To take an extreme example, a video shot in a nightclubwithastrobelightwouldproduceascene each time the strobe flashed. CreatenewsceneeveryXseconds:Studiocreates newscenesatanintervalyouchoose. Thiscanbe usefulforbreakingupfootagethatcontainslong continuous shots. Noautomaticscenedetection:Selectthisoptionif youwanttomonitortheentirecaptureprocessand decide for yourself where scene breaks should occur.

Press the [Space] key each time you want to insert a scene break during capture. The Filename panel ThispaneloftheImportWizardiswhereyouspecify thenamesunderwhichyourimportedmediafileswill be stored. Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media39 Eachtypeofinputsourcehas a default filename assigned by Studio. Forinstance,the defaultfilenamewhen importing a Snapshot is Snapshot. To change it, click in the space and type the name you want.

TheImportWizardneveroverwritesanexistingfile whenimporting. Ifafilewiththesamenameasthe target name already exists, a sequence number is added to the name of the incoming file. Whenimportingfromfile-basedmedia,additionalfile namingfeaturesareavailable. By default the naming formula forafile-basedinputisgivensymbolicallyas [original]. Ifyouwantacustomname, enteritintotheeditboxas usual;however,inthecaseof file-basedmediathetarget filename has two parts: a stem, which you supply, and a tail, which is generated by one of three simple rules at thetimeofimport.

Thedefaultruleaddsaunique sequencenumbertoeveryfilename. Whileyouare entering your custom name, the edit box shows only the stem.

Butwhenthenameisdisplayedatothertimes, the rule for the tail part of appears as well. To select a different rule for the tail part, click the more button. Thisopensadialogwindowwithtwo dropdownlists. Thefirstletsyouchoosebetween original and custom for the stem. You can use this if you ever want to revert to importing files under their originalnames. Theseconddropdown,whichis 40Pinnacle Studio displayedonlyforcustomnames,givestheavailable rules for generating the tail part: Number: This is the same rule used by other media typestoavoidnamecollisions.

Time of day: This is like the previous option, but the time of importing the file is used. The Import Filename Configuration window. When you click the source name in the Import Frompanel,thecentralareaofthewizardconfigures itself appropriately with the controls you need.

Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media41 Import from file-based media SelectOtherdevicesintheImportFrompanelofthe Import Wizard to prepare for importing from file-based storagemediaotherthanlocalharddrives,including optical drives, memory cards and USB sticks. Thejobofselectingthefilestoimportbelongstothe folder and media file browser in the central area of the display. Whenimportingfromfile-basedmedia,theImport Wizardprovidesafolderandfilebrowserinthe central area.

TheStartImportbutton at bottom right sets things in motion after the desired media files have been selected. A single import operation can take in multiple types of mediafilefrommultiplesourcefolders. Eachselected filewillbecopiedtothecorrectfolderforitsmedia type as specified in the Import To panel.

These devicesincludeharddrives, opticaldiscdrives,memory cards and USB sticks. Navigationinthisfolder treeissimilartothatin Windows Explorer and other programs. Folders containing other folders are indicated by aplussigntotheleftofthe namewhentheyareclosed and by a minus sign when they are open. Click the sign toopenout expand orclosedown collapse a folders list of subfolders.

Only one entry in the folder tree can be highlighted at a time. Anymediafilescontainedinthatfolderare immediatelylistedinthelarger,right-handdivisionof thebrowser. Youcanpreviewfilesonthespot,and earmarkthoseyouintendtoimportbycheckingthe box at the top right of corner of each file icon.

Previewing media files Previewingaudioandvideo:The mediafilebrowserincludesbuilt-in previewingforallsupportedmedia types. Clicktheplaybuttoninthe centerofvideoandaudiofileiconsto previewthemediatheyrepresent.

For Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media43 quickviewing,videofilesplaybackwithintheicon frameitself. Clickanywhereontheicontohalt playback; otherwise the entire file is previewed. Toselect orunselect afilefor import,clickthecheckboxinthetoprightcornerof itsicon.

Intheillustration,threefileshavebeen selected. Full-screenpreview:Duringvideo playback,afull-screenviewingbutton isdisplayedatthetopleftofthefile icon. Thisbuttonworkssimilarlyto the Players full-screen preview button in Studios Edit mode see page 8. Full-screenpreviewingclosesautomaticallyattheend of the video.

To close it manually, press the Esc key or double-click the display duringpreview. Toviewadigitalphotosorotherpicturefileatfull-screen resolution, double-click its icon. Click anddragthescrubberknobto manuallyreviewanypartofthefile. Themousepointerchangestoatwo-headed horizontal arrow when it is correctly positioned for scrubbing. Selecting media files for import To select media files one at a time for importing, click the selection box at the top right corner of the file icon.

Click the selection box to check or uncheck the file. Multipleselection:Thebrowseralsoprovidesa methodofselecting orunselecting simultaneouslya groupofhighlightedfiles.

Tohighlightanindividual file,simplyclickonitsnameoritsicon;the highlightedstateisindicatedbyanorangeborder. To highlightadditionalfiles,clickiconsinconjunction with either of the Shift and Ctrl keys, as follows: ClickwhilepressingCtrltoaddorremovethe highlightingfromonefilewithoutaffectingthe others in the group. Click while pressing Shift highlights the clicked icon andallthosebetweenitandthepreviouslyclicked icon,inclusive. Highlightingisremovedfromany icons not within the range.

Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media45 Youcanalsohighlightarangeoficonsdirectlywith themouse,bydraggingoutarectanglethatintersects theiconsyouwanttoinclude.

Clickthefirsticonand move to the last one before releasing the mouse button. Havinghighlightedsomeiconsyouwanttoimport, clicktheselectionboxofanyoneofthemtoselector unselect the entire group at once. Selecting or unselecting any one will affect the whole group. SelectallandUnselectall:Clickthesebuttonsalong thebottomofthemediafilebrowsertoselectfor importing either all or none of the media files listed in the current folder. They do not affect any files currently selected in other folders.

Use the Select all button to select all the media files in the current folder. Closethefoldertree:Tomaximizethespacefor viewing files, click the left-pointing double-arrow icon at the top of the folder tree scroll bar. This collapses the folder tree to a vertical bar down the left-hand side. At thetopofthebaristheright-pointingdouble-arrow that will reopen the tree. The name of the current folder is also shown. Filter the file list: Another way tooptimizeyouruseofthefile areaistolimitthefilesshown toincludeonlyonemediatype.

This is the function of the media filterdropdownatthebottomleftofthebrowser. By default,allsupportedmediafiletypesappearinthe browser,butyoucanlimittheviewtopicturefiles, audio files or video files by your selection here. To see exactlywhichfiletypesareincludedinaselection, hover on the item for a second or two to pop up the list. Hovering over the Audio files option brings up a list of file types from which audio import is supported. Setpreviewsize:Afinaltoolfor managingscreenrealestateisthe previewsizeslideratthebottomrightofthebrowser.

Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media47 Movethesliderleftwardstoreduce,orrightwardsto increase,thesizeofthepreviewimagesinthefile browser. Therearethreewaysofmovingthisslider with the mouse: Click on the slider knob and drag to the left or right. Clickbesidethesliderknobtonudgeitinthe appropriate direction.

Avolumesliderwill appearbesidethebutton. Dragtheknobupanddown tocontrolthevolume. Adjusting the import file date and time Theinternalclocksoftherecordingdevicesareoften setincorrectly,resultinginincorrectlytimestamped media files. The Import Wizard can correct this kind of problembysettingthedateandtimeoftheimported files according to your specifications. To correct the file time or date: Use the more button on the Selected Files lines to open a window that offers two options for adjusting the timestamps: Correcttimezone:Thissliderchangesthefile timestamp of any media files you import by up to 12 48Pinnacle Studio hours in either direction.

You can use this adjustment tocompensateforthetimedifferencewhenyou bring home video from your travels. Thefiletimeofany media files you import will be changed to this. Youwillalsoneedtomake surethatyourdestination folder,compressionpresets,andotheroptionsareset upintheotherpanelsthewayyouwantthem.

See Import Wizard panels, page Previewing video The video currently playing on the sourcedeviceshouldnowbe visibleinthepreviewareaatthe centralareaofthedisplay.

Along the right edge of the video preview is a scale showing the moment-by-momentaudiolevel. Abovethat scale, by the top right corner of the preview frame, is a small button that switches to full-screen previewing.

Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media49 WhenaDVorHDVsourceisselected,thecentral areaoftheImportWizardprovidescontrolsfor previewing and importing the taped material. Belowthepreviewimageisarowofcontrolsfor automatingcapturebysettingmark-inandmark-out points. See Recording video and audio on page 51 for more information. Anotherrowofcontrols,thetransportbar,servesas your navigation console for the source device. ThetransportbarforDVandHDVimport,with fromleft jogcontrolsandtimecodereadout, transportbuttons,ashuttlecontrol,andanaudio buttonwithapop-outsliderforcontrollingthe preview volume.

Thecurrenttimecodeindicator showsyourplaybackposition according to the timecode recorded onto the tape when 50Pinnacle Studio itwasshot. Thefourfieldsrepresenthours,minutes, secondsandframesrespectively. Totheleftofthe indicator is a pair of arrow buttons; use these to jog the position one frame back or frame forward at a time.

Thesebuttonsrelay commands to your camera. Using them is equivalent to using the cameras onboard controls, but typically more convenient. Dragtheorangeneedleonthe shuttle control to the left or right to change the playback position in the reverse and forward directionsrespectively. Themotorspeedincreasesas youdragtheneedlefurtheroffcenter. Whenyou releasetheneedle,ithomestothecenterpositionand pauses playback.

A volumesliderwillappearbesidethebutton. Dragthe knobupanddowntocontrolthevolume. See page 51 for further information. Chapter 2: Capturing and importing media51 Recording video and audio TheImportWizardsupportstwoapproachesto selecting a range of video to be imported.

In the manual approach, you simply watch the preview playbackandpressStartCaptureatthestartofthe desiredfootage. Whenyoureachtheendofthe segment,pressStopCapture.

Ifyouhavecontinuous timecodeonthesourcefootage,andhavesetStopat tapeendtoYesintheModepanel,youcanwalk awayandleavetheImportWizardtoswitchoffwhen the input is exhausted. The automatic method of capture is good for setting the endpointsofyourcapture themark-inandmark-out pointswithsingle-frameprecision,andfor unattended importing that should halt before the end of the recorded material.

It lets you capture video from analog SD video sources, and edit. It includes the Dazzle, which is a USB c Pinnacle User manual Operating instructions and pdf manual for use - Pinnacle User manual.

If you have lost or thrown out the CD with the Pinnacle manual and you need advice with settings, error messages or are just interested in the capabilities and different functions of your Pinnacle, then you can download a user manual from the Pinnacle website.

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